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Albino Woodhouse toad for sale

Original price was: $119.19.Current price is: $100.00.

IN STOCK FOR $100. Albino Woodhouse toad for sale (Anaxyrus woodhousii) is a medium-sized (4 inches or 10 centimetres) true toad native to the United States and Mexico.
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A. woodhousii tends to hybridize with Anaxyrus americanus where their ranges overlap.

Description of albino woodhouse toad for sale

it is a robust amphibian and can grow to a maximum snout-vent length of 127 mm (5 in). The head has prominent cranial crests in front of and in between the eyes. The parotoid glands are long and large. The dorsal surface of this toad is grayish-brown or yellowish-brown and it is speckled with small dark spots. There is a narrow pale line running along the spine.

Behavior of woodhouse toad for sale

albino Woodhouse toad for sale is nocturnal and feeds on insects and other small invertebrates. Near human habitations these toads may congregate underneath outside lights to feed on the insects they attract.[10] Breeding takes place at different times of year in different parts of the range.

The males call from in, or close to, standing water and the eggs are laid in gelatinous strings in still-water habitats such as ditches, ponds, pools, cattle tanks and lakes. The tadpoles typically take from five to eight weeks to reach metamorphosis.


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