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Golden Mantella frog for sale


IN STOCK FOR $89. We have the best Golden mantella frog for sale for sale, it uses auditory cues, and may also use visual or chemical cues to communicate. They use their vision to locate prey. Communication Channels ...
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It has an extremely restricted distribution in three distinct areas centered on the town of Moramanga – Beparasy and Ambohibary Communes, Torotorofotsy Wetland northwest of Andasibe, and in the area of Ambakoana.

Description of golden mantella frog for sale

There are is a uniformly yellow, orange, or red frog measuring 20–26 mm. The inner leg displays red flash marks. The tympanum is visible, but small. Brightly colored skin warns predators that the frog is poisonous. It is thought that the brilliant colors exhibited by the golden mantella are an example of aposematism, warning predators of the poisonous nature of the frog.

Ecology and behaviour of golden mantella frog

The golden mantella is highly seasonal in its behaviour and remains largely inactive during the winter months of May–October. During the summer, the golden mantella is commonly active during the day. They live in groups of typically twice as many males as there are females.

When the rains arrive and the temperature warms, frogs emerge from hiding and use small lentic wetlands for breeding. Males often call from concealed positions near a water source. The call is a rather pleasant, repeated click. The frogs do not seem to engage in typical amplexus but rather the male only moves himself over the female’s back in virtual amplexus.

Eggs are laid on land in moist leaf litter near water and when rains arrive the tadpoles are washed from land into water.


Golden Mantella frog for sale

Additional information


Froglets, Juveniles, Adults


Male, Female


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