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Glass Tree Frog for sale

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $100.00.

IN STOCK FOR $100(ADULT). Reticulated glass tree frog for sale can be found in the rain forests of Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. These animals, which are active at night, ...
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The internal viscera, including the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, are visible through the skin. When active their blood makes them visible; when sleeping most of the blood is concealed in the liver, hiding them. Glass frogs are arboreal, living mainly in trees, and only come out for mating season. Their transparency conceals them very effectively when sleeping on a green leaf, as they habitually do.

Taxonomy of glass tree frog for sale

The first described species of Centrolenidae was the “giant” Centrolene geckoideum, named by Marcos Jiménez de la Espada in 1872, based on a specimen collected in northeastern Ecuador.

A glass tree frog for sale (or treefrog) is any species of frog that spends a major portion of its lifespan in trees, known as an arboreal state. Several lineages of frogs among the Neobatrachia suborder have given rise to treefrogs, although they are not closely related to each other.

Millions of years of convergent evolution have resulted in very similar morphology even in species that are not very closely related. Furthermore, tree frogs in seasonally arid environments have adapted an extra-epidermal layer of lipid and mucus as an evolutionary convergent response to accommodate the periodic dehydration stress.


Glass Tree Frogs for sale


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